Common Ground introduces Capricorn Venture Partners in “c-LEcta”
c-LEcta, a German-based world-leading biotechnology company focused on enzyme engineering and applications in regulated markets like food and pharma, has closed a financing round with Leuven based Capricorn Venture Partners and the German investment company bm|t. The capital increase was advised by CatCap, the German Globalscope alliance partner of Common Ground.
Common Ground introduced Capricorn as the lead investor for this transaction.
c-LEcta, located in Leipzig, is focused on enzyme engineering and is a leading player in the realization of high-value biotech products, either in the form of in-house developments or in close cooperation with the industry. c-LEcta owns one of the most efficient technology platforms for enzyme optimization as well as for the development of artificial enzyme activities based on patent protected strategies. The industrial application of these technologies holds great market potential. The Company currently employs around 60 people and has a proven track record of more than 10 successfully commercialized high-value industrial biotech products.
c-LEcta CEO, Dr. Marc Struhalla: “The financial strength and valuable international network that we have gained through this financing round now offers us the opportunity to develop the full potential of our technology and people. With Capricorn Venture Partners and bm|t, we get two active investors on board that can contribute substantially to our international growth ambitions”.
Mr. Ludwig Goris, Investment Manager of Capricorn: “Since its foundation, c-Lecta has built up a remarkable track record of technology and product development and has been able to validate that through a growing customer base of pharma, chemical and food ingredient companies. We had been following the company for a while and are proud to lead this growth capital round. We’d like to thank Common Ground for introducing Capricorn to this transaction”.