Financing Analysis

We advise our clients on how to best define and achieve the right mix between shareholders‘ equity, hybrid debt, straight debt and asset backed debt (on or off balance sheet). This will enable them, either to achieve their next step in growing their businesses or, to restructure existing debt in turnaround, distressed or acquisitions situations.

We assist our (semi) public and corporate clients:

  • To (re)design their financing structure;
  • To improve the risk profile of their existing funding mix;
  • To identify and select the most suitable private equity investors and bankers;
  • To help our clients to prepare and present their business cases ;
  • To initiate and conclude an fruitful dialogue with their potential investors or bankers.

We assist financial institutions and private equity firms

  • To (re)design their financing structure for themselves, their affiliates or their own clients ;
  • To improve the risk profile of their existing funding mix;
  • To help our clients to prepare and present their business cases ;
  • To initiate and conclude an fruitful dialogue with their potential investors or bankers ;
  • To enhance opportunities and address the risk preferences of their investors.